We’re a family of 4 reviewing book-to-film adaptations. If you’re looking for a clean podcast full of hilarity, family fun, and a detailed breakdown of the most impactful changes from book to screen, you’re in the right place!



What is this podcast about

We talk about books made into film and/or TV to figure out, in each case, if we think the book was better (or not!). Our primary focus is breaking down the plot shared between the two (or more) mediums, discussing the most impactful changes made from page to screen, and sharing trivia about each work.

How do you choose what to review

We’re all big sci-fi nerds, but our interests diverge from there. While you’ll see us cover plenty of sci-fi, fantasy, and post-apocalyptic fiction, we also like to check out new or popular adaptations across many genres. We also choose books from listener suggestions in Discord.

Can I listen to this around my kids

Our goal is to make a clean podcast, but depending on the nature of the book, not episode is family-friendly for the youngest listeners. In general, kids 12 and up will probably enjoy the vast majority of episodes, and you’ll never hear us use profanity!

Where did you get this idea

Daughter/sister Rebekah had the idea for the podcast from a lively conversation with the fam after our opening day viewing of the final Hunger Games film in 2015. She realized we had a ton of fun discussing our opinions, and after all, she’d been hearing for years that “your family should have a TV show!”

What’s with the crazy intros

Wife/mom Donna usually writes the very unhinged lyrics for our parody songs. The rest of the intros are either brainstorm ideas that come up during a recording, OR the very kind editing of our talented producer, husband/son/brother-in-law Josh (you know, when we forget to record an intro…). We’re all musicians and singers, so the musical intros just feel right.

How can I suggest something I want you to cover

We have a Discord server that’s 100% free for all listeners. To suggest an idea, join the server and add your idea to the #future-episode-requests channel! Note: Certain channels are only available for Patreon subscribers. (You can also DM us on social media, but it’ll take longer to see a response.)

The Hosts

lead host of the book is better podcast, headshot

Rebekah Edwards

Daughter + Sister

Favorite book: Project Hail Mary

Favorite film: Interstellar

Weird movie habit: I am subtitle-obsessed, like many of my fellow millennials. Whenever possible, I choose the “on-screen subtitles” showing at the movie theater.

lead host of the book is better podcast, headshot

Tim Haynes

Husband + Father

Favorite book: The Lord of the Rings trilogy

Favorite film: It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

Weird movie habit: I hate hand dryers, so I get napkins from the theater lobby before using the restroom (right as the trailers start) to dry my hands.

lead host of the book is better podcast, headshot

Donna Haynes

Wife + Mom

Favorite book: Project Hail Mary

Favorite film: The Godfather

Weird movie habit: I get 14 napkins at the theater — 6 for each of use to use for our hands, then 2 to protect my pants from popcorn butter.

lead host of the book is better podcast, headshot

T. Josiah Haynes

Son + Brother

Favorite book: A Storm of Swords

Favorite film: Inception

Weird movie habit: I don’t like watching movies at home, only at the theater — as they were designed to be seen. This podcast is one of the only reasons I break this rule.


What Our Listeners Say

5 star rating
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5 star rating
“I am not a huge podcast listener but am an avid reader and movie watcher. This podcast is insightful but yet fun and it is like being part of a book club!”
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5 star rating
This podcast genuinely brings joy to my heart. Your family dynamic is hilarious and heartwarming. I love the consistent breakdown in comparisons between stories for each show (timeline, character changes, etc.). You find the best parts of stories to discuss, and even/especially when you despise the adaptations (or even the source content), you are lighthearted and make me laugh out loud. Thanks for inviting us all into your family time!
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5 star rating
“This one was a pleasant add to the podcast lineup. So enjoyed the family dynamic and perspective from each person. I admit I’m more into watching than reading but my kids are always encouraging me to read the book (“Mom, it’s always better!”) This podcast might actually get me there! “

Share feedback, future episode ideas, or questions.

Want us to cover your favorite adaptation? Catch an error we made when discussing a book or movie? Want to share your review privately? Do that (plus, share memes!) in our Discord server. It’s free!

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